Matt Stanford, C-27J Field Services Manager works directly with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).
F-16 탑재형 APG-83 맞춤형 고속 빔 레이더 (SABR) AESA
SABR은 전세계에 배치된 구형 F-16 시리즈의 기존 전기 및 냉각 설비 여건 안에서 최적의 레이더 시스템을 구축함으로써 해당 F-16 편대의 임무 수행을 십 수 년 연장합니다. SABR은 2008년에 처음 배치된 이래 각종 비행 시험에서 공전의 "최초" 기록을 꾸준히 달성해 왔으며, 이제는 이 기록에 고차원 모의전투 시험에서 입증된 이력도 포함되었습니다. F-16 레이더 장착 업무를 40년 가까이 계속해 온 유일한 사격 관제 레이더 생산 기업으로서, 우리는 F-16 AESA 레이더 계획에 위험성 낮은 방안을 제시하는 유일한 공급자임을 자부합니다.
MQ-4C Triton
Northrop Grumman's MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft system (UAS) provides real-time intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) over vast ocean and coastal regions.
LN-200 FOG Family Advanced Airborne IMU/AHRS
The LN-200 is a small, lightweight, highly reliable, state-of-the art, fiber-optic, all-altitude, strap down Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU).
Ραντάρ Ενεργητικής Ηλεκτρονικής Σάρωσης (AESA) APG-83 SABR (Scalable Agile Beam Radar) για το F-16
Το APG-83 είναι ένα ραντάρ ελέγχου πυρός Ενεργητικής Ηλεκτρονικής Σάρωσης (AESA). Βασισμένο στην 40ετή εμπειρία της Northrop Grumman πάνω στην παραγωγή ραντάρ για το F-16, ενσωματώνεται στους υπάρχοντες περιορισμούς κατασκευής, ισχύος και ψύξης του αεροσκάφους χωρίς αναγκαιότητα τροποποιήσεων αεροσκάφους Κατηγορίας Α. Οι ικανότητες αυτού του προηγμένου AESA προέρχονται από την οικογένεια των εξαιρετικά επιτυχημένων μαχητικών ραντάρ AESA 5ης γενιάς της Northrop Grumman, των ραντάρ APG-77 των αεροσκαφών F-22 και APG-81 των αεροσκαφών F-35.
SABR (Scalable Agile Beam Radar) APG-83 AESA
The SABR APG-83 is an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) fire control radar. Building on Northrop Grumman's 40-year legacy producing radars for the F-16, it integrates within the F-16's current structural, power and cooling constraints without Group A aircraft modification.
NG InSight
Using Northrop Grumman’s trusted technologies in communications, networking, intelligence and cybersecurity, NG InSight offers a range of innovative, scalable and adaptable connectivity and processing solutions tailored to meet the demands of the most challenging mission environments. These solutions enable seamless connectivity, protection and faster decision-making delivered with reliability, affordability, and at mission speed
Joint Threat Emitter (JTE)
Northrop Grumman’s Joint Threat Emitter (JTE) provides a modern, reactive battlespace environment, designed to help train military personnel to identify and effectively counter enemy missile or artillery threats.
Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN)
Northrop Grumman’s Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN) combined with the E-11A modified Bombardier BD700 business jet, enable a high-altitude, airborne communications gateway that translates and distributes imagery, voice and tactical data from disparate elements — enhancing situational awareness and enabling seamless interoperability for joint and coalition forces operating across air, space, land and sea.
Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT)
Northrop Grumman’s approach moves the burden of trusted A-PNT Hub away from sole reliance on GPS to the complementary use of inertial devices augmented with additional alternative methods of navigation.
The LTN-101FLAGSHIP™ is an integrated global navigation, air data, inertial reference unit (GNADIRU) that has redefined industry standards for laser inertial navigation systems.
Northrop Grumman is an innovative provider of proven manned and unmanned air and aeronautics systems.
LITENING Program Management Review
Northrop Grumman invites you to attend the LITENING Program Management Review (PMR). PMR will be a forum for collecting and evaluating feedback from the user community, and sharing experiences and ideas related to LITENING operations, performance, logistics and development.
UH-60V Black Hawk Integrated Mission Equipment Package
Northrop Grumman’s integrated, open systems architecture features high performance across multiple platforms and enables software-defined upgrades.
Blended Wing Body Aircraft
Blended Wing Body Aircraft: Demonstrating New Air Mobility Solutions
For generations, Northrop Grumman has pioneered stealth technology to keep military aircraft virtually unseen.
SHEPARD Hybrid Electric Uncrewed Aircraft System
Northrop Grumman designed and built the Series Hybrid Electric Propulsion Aircraft Demonstration (SHEPARD) demonstrator for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
B-21 Career Opportunities
Mission Capability of Uncrewed Aircraft Key to High North Security
For decades, Norway has been the eyes and ears in the High North for the US, NATO and other allied nations, leading the way for global security in the region
ANCILLARY Autonomous VTOL Uncrewed Aircraft Systems
its AdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-Less Launch And RecoverY (ANCILLARY) X-Plane program capable of operating from a moving Navy ship at sea
LAIRCM Program Management Review (PMR)
We invite you to join us for the LAIRCM Program Management Review. Our goal is to support your missions with a product that is constantly evolving to meet your needs. We hope you can join us.