The Tale of AI, Alligators and a Shark

Woman sits on desk with toy truck.

A sign on the edge of Jessica Ascough's property in Brevard County, Florida, reads “WARNING: Entering THE SWAMP." On her 2.5 acres of undeveloped swampland, the systems engineering chief scientist is creating a full-scale team of land, air and sea autonomous vehicles equipped with artificial intelligence (AI).

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Meet Gareth, an Intern

Hi, my name is Gareth and I’m one of the 2020/21 Cyber Research Interns. My background is as a Computer and Cyber Forensics student at the University of Gloucestershire. Over the 12-month internship I have undertook two primary projects that highlight areas of future interest for Northrop Grumman. The projects have included research surrounding topics [...]Read More...

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