LN-260 Advanced Embedded INS/GPS (EGI)

High Performance, Low Cost
Northrop Grumman’s LN-260 navigator is a proven operational form and fit replacement Inertial Navigation System/Global Positioning System INS/GPS (EGI) that can be seamlessly integrated with various domestic and international Standard Navigation Unit (SNU-84) platforms.

What is the LN-260?
The LN-260 is a high-performance INS/GPS that utilizes Northrop Grumman’s pioneering fiber-optic gyroscope (FOG)-based inertial navigation sensor assembly with a 24-channel Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) or Standard Positioning Service (SPS) GPS. It currently features all of the innovative SAASM GPS capabilities, including enhanced complementary navigation message.
The LN-260 stands alone — providing the highest performance and reliability, in addition to being the lightest and lowest power-consuming INS/GPS available on the SNU-84 market. Its sensor components deliver superior performance in an attractive size, weight, and power, package at an affordable cost (SWaP-C).
The non-dithered, low-noise FOG technology eliminates self-induced acceleration and velocity noise. This results in exceptional navigation and Synthetic Aperture Radar stabilization capability as well as the most accurate target location.
LN-260 Advantages
Northrop Grumman’s LN-260 has distinct advantages over similar devices on the market. Our fiber-optic gyro (FOG) is developed from the latest, proven fiber-optic technology and weighs less than 26 lbs. (11.79 kg). The LN-260 is also equipped with three independent navigation solutions: blended INS/GPS, INS only and GPS only. Our INS/GPS solution provides more accurate velocity measurements, robust anti-jamming capabilities and has been highly reliable on each of its military platforms.
LN-260 Growth
Future LN-260 upgrades to M-code capabilities, pending final development and qualification, will enable higher power signals and more robust cryptography. SAASM-based users will have the ability to upgrade to the new M-code variant.
The versatility of the LN-260 enables it to easily integrate with several differential GPS applications such as: StarFire™, OmniSTAR™ and ZNAV™. It also offers future technology insertion opportunities, such as the ability to host a Modular Open Standards Architecture (MOSA), All Source Positioning and Navigation (ASPN), and features an algorithm which enables Assured Positioning Navigation and Timing (A-PNT) third-party applications, defeating current threats in real time. An A-PNT upgrade would provide capability for resilient time solution, Blended Navigation Assurance (BNA) and Alt Nav.
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1-866-NGNAVSYS (646-2879)