AQS-24B/C Minehunting System

High Performance Sonar System
Northrop Grumman's AQS-24B/C is a high-performance minehunting system that offers significantly improved image resolution and real-time sonar processing.
We have three decades of in-fleet airborne mine countermeasure experience with 27 systems fielded. Northrop Grumman was the first to field electro-optic mine identification, and developed the first long-range synthetic aperture sonar for mine warfare, the first mine warfare unmanned surface vessel (jointly with the Naval Undersea Warfare Center) and mine warfare unmanned underwater vehicles.

Designed to Meet Current and Future Minehunting Challenges
- The only deployed and operationally proven high-speed airborne mine detection system in the world.
- High-resolution, side-scan sonar for real-time detection, localization and classification of bottom and moored mines at high area coverage rates.
- Laser line scanner provides precision optical identification of underwater mines and other objects of interest.
- Simultaneous operation of laser with sonar provides gap-filling capability and tactically advanced Target Detect and Target ID modes.
- Thousands of tow hours logged from a variety of platforms.

High-Resolution Sonar
- High-speed (18 Knot) operation.
- Object detection and classification.
- Target box cuing.
Laser Line Scanner
- High-speed operation.
- Optical imagery for target I.D.
- Field proven/COTS based.
AQS-24B/C Minehunting System Videos
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(818) 887-8471